Public Health Improvement Plan

2025 – 2030 Public Health Improvement Plan 

The 2025-2030 Public Health Improvement Plan is now available! 

The Public Health Improvement Plan, or PHIP, is the bi-county region’s roadmap to a healthier future. The priorities in this plan were identified with community input and serve as points of mobilization for public health, community partners and residents to drive the action and direction for change.

We invite you to get involved in future efforts to improve the health of Las Animas and Huerfano Counties!

Complete this form to let us know which goals you're most interested in working on.

Learn more about the development of the 2025-2030 PHIP:

2019 – 2024 Public Health Improvement Plan (previous plan) 

The Las Animas Huerfano Counties District Health Department (LAHCDHD) 2019-2024 Public Health Improvement Plan coalesced based on findings from the 2018 Community Health Assessment, past and current work associated with the 2013-2018 LAHCDHD Public Health Improvement Plan, a Public Health System Transformation Needs Assessment and emerging opportunities. The priorities in this plan serve as points of mobilization for public health, community partners and residents to drive the action and direction for change. Collectively, we can better address the issues facing our communities and counties. This plan contains information and data on assets, resources, demographics, health status and risk factors, which led to prioritizing two areas: Behavioral Health and Healthy Eating & Active Living. Goals, objectives and strategies were developed for each priority area to inform collaborative efforts at local and county levels, in addition to alignment with state level priorities.

View the LAHCDHD 2019-2024 Public Health Improvement Plan.