Botvin LifeSkills Training (LST) is a research-validated program developed to provide adolescents and teens with the confidence and skills necessary to handle challenging situations. In our community, students across all grades (Kindergarten to High School) have seen improvements after completing LST programming at their school. The LST program has been implemented at Primero School District, Holy Trinity Academy, John Mall High School, and Peakview Elementary School to improve students’ ability to resist tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use in addition to improving their personal self-management and social skills. LAHCDHD will continue to prioritize youth empowerment through education and positive social and emotional development for our bi-county youth by inviting more schools in the community to add LifeSkills Training to students’ curriculum.
School leadership and teachers are invested in the program because they see the difference it has made in their students.
Have more questions about Botvin LifeSkills Training? Visit the Botvin LST website to explore program details.
Las Animas County: (719) 846-2213
412 Benedicta Ave, Trinidad CO 81082
Huerfano County: (719) 738-2650
119 E 5th Street, Walsenburg CO 81089