The following contains valuable child and family related information:
- Find an early childhood council near you, Early Childhood Council Leadership Alliance
- The Colorado Early Learning and Development Guidelines provide practical tips and points of reference that anyone can use to help kids grow.
- The Colorado Shines Professional Development Information System (PDIS) is a one-stop online resource for training related to early care and learning. PDIS offers a broad array of e-learning courses addressing all aspects of child development, health and safety, and quality instruction. PDIS is designed to support a variety of early childhood professionals at all levels of experience and education.
- Boost your child's learning with Vroom's fast and fun tips.
- Safe Kids Worldwide is dedicated to protecting kids from unintentional injuries. We work to reduce traffic injuries, drownings, falls, burns, poisonings and more.
- The Early Intervention Colorado (EI) program provides developmental supports and services to families with children birth through 2 years of age who have developmental needs. Early Intervention (EI) services can help improve a child's ability to develop and learn. The EI Colorado program provides services to help families support the developmental needs of their children.
- The Colorado Department of Education developed a website dedicated to providing information on special education issues, practices and resources to families who have children ages 0-21 years old with disabilities.
- Colorado Family Support Programs, various programs maybe in your visit this website for more information.
- At Reach Out and Read, we believe all families should have the tools and information they need to make reading aloud a daily routine. We help integrate reading into pediatric practices, advise families about the importance of reading with their children, and share books that serve as a catalyst for healthy childhood development.
- Extensive research on the biology of stress now shows that healthy development can be derailed by excessive or prolonged activation of stress response systems in the body and brain. Such toxic stress can have damaging effects on learning, behavior, and health across the lifespan.
- Learn about Child Care Aware of America, our nation's leading voice for child care.
- The Colorado Association for the Education of Young Children is a professional membership organization that serves and acts on behalf of early childhood educators.
- Learn how the Colorado Association of Family Child Care is dedicated to the support and education of licensed family child care providers in the state of Colorado.
- The Colorado Child Care Assistance Program provides financial assistance to low-income families that are working, searching for employment or are in training, and families that are enrolled in the Colorado Works Program and need child care services to support their efforts toward self-sufficiency.
- The Colorado Children's Campaign campaign works to create hope and opportunity in Colorado, more than one million kids at a time.
- Read about Colorado rules and regulations by clicking here: Colorado Division of Early Care and Learning Licensing Rules and Regulations
- Tools and resources promoting education for young children: National Association for the Education of Young Children
- Find out about the National Association of Family Child Care an organization dedicated to promoting quality child care by strengthening the profession of family child care
- Find out more about after school programs at After School Alliance.
- If you are interested in finding early childhood resources or services, or you are just interested in learning more about early childhood in Colorado, this is the right place to start your search here at Early Childhood Colorado
- Find great parent resources at the Zero to Three website.