We improve the quality of early learning environments to prepare young children to enter kindergarten; build the resources and skills of families; ensure that families have access to social, physical, and mental health services; and deliver resources to increase the effectiveness of early childhood professionals.
We have a unique role within our communities to serve as an early childhood hub for partners, providers, caregivers, policymakers, and business leaders to coordinate, collaborate, and align resources. Effectively, we “connect the dots” to create a seamless early childhood system that improves access to high quality services and supports for young children and their families in Colorado.
The Huerfano-Las Animas Counties Early Childhood Advisory Council is a member of the Early Childhood Council Leadership Alliance (ECCLA), which is a state-wide voice representing the thirty- four Early Childhood Councils across the State of Colorado.

Our Mission
We support children and families in Huerfano and Las Animas Counties through partnerships which promote healthy kids, families and communities through self-sufficiency.
A guiding force of solidarity with service for all.