Healthy Community Coordinators/Children's Medicaid is a special healthcare program within Medicaid for children and youth age 20 and under who have current Medicaid eligibility.
It helps families find out early about health care problems and get treatment for medical, dental, vision, mental health and developmental problems. All families who get Medicaid are encouraged to use these services.
- Children 18 and under will never have a co-pay when visiting their doctor, pharmacy or for hospital stays.
- Youth and adults 19 and over may have to pay a small co-pay when visiting their doctor, pharmacy or hospital stays.
- Youth and adults 19 and over who are enrolled in a Medicaid managed care organization (MCO), will not have a co-pay.
- Pregnant women of any age will not have a co-pay during the pregnancy.
Diana Zubal, LPN
119 E 5th Street
Walsenburg, CO 81089
Phone: 719-738-2650
Fax: 719-738-2653
Isabel Serna
412 Benedicta Ave.
Trinidad, CO 81082
Phone: 719-846-2213 Ext. 36
You can get FREE Healthy Community Coordinators and Case Management services if you are pregnant or have children who are age 20 and under. Outreach Coordinators want you to get the most out of your benefits. They can help you by:
- Finding available Medicaid providers
- Assisting you to navigate the Medicaid system.
- Connecting you to available no and low cost services and referrals to places in your community like food banks, housing agencies, childcare, Head Start and WIC offices.
Health Community Coordinators can act as a link with other programs and services and will be available as the first level of client advocacy.
For more information contact:
Diana Zubal, LPN. At 719-738-2650
Isabel Serna at 719-846-2213, Ext: 36